- Problem: Lower productivity in Arecanut due to occurrence of pest and Diseases. Even the variation in price leads to less profitability among the Arecanut growers. No intercropping followed in Arecanut gardens..
- Source of technology : University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot
- Characteristics of technology: By growing pepper as intercrop in more than Ten year old gardens will facilitate in increasing the total net profit of the garden. Even the price fall in Arecanut can be compensated by the intercrop.
- KVK interventions: This technology was given to farmers on Advisory mode for more than 750 farmers in the district. Quality seedlings of Panniyur verities were supplied through our KVK nursery. Use of Bio fertilizers like Trichoderma, Pseudomonas and Arka Microbial consortium was demonstrated to Farmers
- Achievements: More than 350 ha area in pepper was established in last two years. Yielding gardens were increased their potential from 1 kg to 3 kg/plant.