- Problem: Maize is the maize crop of the district under rainfed farming. There were no rains and especially there will be dry spell after the August month. During the last year due to severe infestation of the Army worm there was complete damage of the crops. There were no alternate crops for the Maize which would more remunerative and short duration.
Source of Technology: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Dharwad.
Characteristic of technology: Seed treatment with Trichoderma @4g/kg of seed, Maintenance of plant population, Spraying of Micronutrients spray (Boron @ 0.1 %) and Macronutrients (KNO3).
KVK interventions: NMOOP- Frontline demonstrations, trainings during 2016-17 and 2017-18.
Table showing the comparison of Sunflower with Maize
Yield Advantage and Benefit cost Ratio: Sunflower is more advantageous than Maize in many aspects like it is short duration, No pest and diseases problem and it will be marketed once harvested. Next crop can be taken once we harvest.
Output: Intervention with KVK through frontline demonstrations under NMOOP in different villages like of Myduru and Yellapura of Harapnahalli taluk. Farmers in these area nearly 100 ha of sunflower is practicing the micronutrient spray to reduce then chaffiness in sunflower.