- Problem: Chickpea is crop taken after the harvest of the kharif Maize crop. With the residual moisture farmers will go for sowing the low yielding varieties, No proper nutrient management and No IPM measures lead to low yield. No alternative and better crops for the paddy fallows in command areas
Source of Technology: University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore and Raichur
KVK interventions: Frontline demonstrations under NFSM in different villages of kadabagere, Hunsehalli and Myduru of Harapnahalli taluk and Thyavanagi of channagiri taluk. Seed treatment with Trichoderma @4g/kg of seed, Use of High yielding variety Bengal gram (JAKI 9218), Spraying of Chickpea Magic @ 5g/l of water, Installation of Pheromone traps for pod borer monitoring.
Yield Advantage and Benefit cost Ratio Its yields better compared with check where the local variety seeds and no INM and IPM practices followed.
Impact: Farmers in these area nearly 100 ha of Bengal gram is practicing the spraying of Micronutrient and Macronutrient at right time of crop.