- Problem: Foxtail millet is grown in the larger area where the varieties are low yielders.
Source of Technology: University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad and Raichur - Characteristic of technology: Use of High yielding variety Foxtail millet (SiA-2644 and DhFt-103-5) are suitable for late kharif and drought tolerant.
- KVK interventions: On Farm Testing for assessment of high yielding varieties SIA-2644 and DhFt-103-5. Seed treatment with bio fertilizers (Azosprillium and PSB @ 1kg/acre), with different varieties in villages of Bennehalli and Hunsehalli of Harapnahalli taluk.
- Yield Advantage and Benefit Ratio: Its yields better compared with check where the local variety seeds and no INM and IPM practices were followed. The three Varieties were tested in the farmers’ fields and found that SIA-2644 and DhFt varieties performed better than the HMT-100-1 during the late sown condition.
- Impact: SIA-2644 variety of foxtail millet is adopted in 50 ha in these two trial villages.